Members of Remnant Fellowship since 2002, Chris and Beth have been married since 1993 and currently live in Brentwood, TN. They have two children - one of whom is married and living near them in Brentwood. They have also been blessed with two grandchildren.
The Anconas joined Remnant Fellowship church in June of 2002 following a Rebuilding the Wall event that Gwen conducted in Phoenix, AZ where they lived at the time. In their own words, "Everything has changed for the better from putting into practice the truth uncovered through Weigh Down and Remnant Fellowship". After moving to Nashville in November of 2003, Chris and Beth continued to lay down their lives to further God's kingdom through this message and were subsequently asked to serve as leaders in the church beginning in the spring of 2004. Chris and Beth have been married since 1993 and have two children, Allyson and Jack.
Pictured: Hunter & Allyson (Ancona) Day, Chris and Beth Ancona, and Jack Ancona