Members of Remnant Fellowship since 2000, Cliff and Lisa currently live in Brentwood, TN and have two daughters and one son.
In 1998, 14 years into our marriage we were absolutely spent… miserable actually. My husband asked me the question you never want to hear… “you say you love me but do you even like me”? Well, I was that kind of wife… miserable, 3 small children, volunteering for our little school, not content, and no hope for the future… or what it would it look like. I was grumpy and moody, and he was quiet and didn’t know what to do. Thankfully, earlier in the year in January of 1998, I called the Weigh Down Workshop to sign back up for a class that I found success in back in 1996! That phone call changed my/our whole entire life!! Through the Weigh Down Workshop, both Clifford and I have lost our weight and have kept it off since 1998 and our marriage is healed! We have fun together and have beautiful children, and at this time in our lives, celebrating our 35th wedding anniversary with a granddaughter and a grandson that is due in December of this year, we give all credit to God for using Weigh Down, which led us to our Church, Remnant Fellowship that has healed us and created us to have hearts that are very much in love with God!!
Gwen Shamblin Lara has taught for years the whole entire Bible, and with that came applying it to our lives through what we have learned for 20 years at Remnant Fellowship. In repentance, learning what humility looked like, and changing we are forever grateful for a new life. We have purpose, hope, and lives that are full of fun. Our hearts are full of love for others with complete joy and love to put God’s house before our own.
Today, Clifford and I work together in our own business and love it! We are so grateful for our Church leadership that has spent time with guiding us and leading us to what a Godly marriage and family looks like.
We are grateful for all of the materials that have been written that point us to the narrow road that leads us to a wholehearted devotion to God.
We are extremely humbled to have the honor to serve our precious beautiful Church and encourage anyone who is hurting, lost, feeling hopeless and needs to know where to go! We know without a doubt where the Truth is!
- Praising God ~ The Peters