Colin and Erin are original members of Remnant Fellowship Church, joining in early 2000 and early 2001 respectively. Their family currently calls Brentwood, TN their home.
The changes in their lives from putting into practice the teachings of Gwen Shamblin Lara and Remnant Fellowship Church brought hope, healing, and peace in every area. They were the third couple to be married in Remnant, and they have one son, Harrison. Erin served alongside Amy Stites as an assistant to Gwen for 18 years and now is working directly with Elizabeth Hannah. Colin has served on the tech team, security team, and caring for the church grounds. Both have devoted their lives to see this Mere Christianity message furthered and the truth taught by Gwen Shamblin Lara to go out to the world of the hurting and lost.
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Erin shares, “I grew up going to church but never had witnessed a personal relationship with God until I met Gwen when I was in college. I got to hear Gwen, Elizabeth, and Jennifer Martin speak at a women’s retreat during my freshman year of college in January 2001, and I never looked back. My life has forever been changed in every area, but especially in body focus, worry and anxiety, and legalism. I have so much hope and peace now, and I experience daily answered prayers. My life has so much purpose living for God each day by following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and obeying his commands. My heart’s desire is to spend the rest of my life helping to continue the legacy of Gwen Lara and encouraging those who are seeking God.”
A few words from Colin: “The first time I met Gwen Shamblin Lara and her daughter Elizabeth, I felt strongly led to ask them where they went to church. Gwen replied that they had just started Remnant Fellowship. It was unlike any church I had ever been to--the relationships were genuine and everyone was seeking to change from within and live wholeheartedly for God. The friendships were deeper and more meaningful, and there was a true loyalty to God first and then to one another. Even during hard times of persecution, we stuck together and never quit moving forward. Growing up, I experienced a lot of bitterness in my heart...but through this church, I have learned how to let that go and to look for ways that I can set a better example for those around me. It is our great honor to be able to serve the Church in this capacity.”
A few words from Colin: “The first time I met Gwen Shamblin Lara and her daughter Elizabeth, I felt strongly led to ask them where they went to church. Gwen replied that they had just started Remnant Fellowship. It was unlike any church I had ever been to--the relationships were genuine and everyone was seeking to change from within and live wholeheartedly for God. The friendships were deeper and more meaningful, and there was a true loyalty to God first and then to one another. Even during hard times of persecution, we stuck together and never quit moving forward. Growing up, I experienced a lot of bitterness in my heart...but through this church, I have learned how to let that go and to look for ways that I can set a better example for those around me. It is our great honor to be able to serve the Church in this capacity.”