Members of Remnant Fellowship since 2002, Eldon and Sara have been married since 1988 and currently live in Brentwood, TN. They have six children with four married and living near them. They are also currently blessed with four grandchildren.
Sara and I joined Remnant Fellowship in 2002 while we lived in Duluth Minnesota. We are so thankful for the teachings of this church that God has given to Gwen Shamblin. Our lives were once miserable and empty-full of strongholds, but by following the teaching of full obedience to God's word we have seen a beautiful and amazing transformation in our lives. I have been taught what it truly means to be a Godly man, husband and father. In 2005 we were asked to be leaders in the church and love being able to serve and help others find this relationship with the one true God. Since 2008 I have had the honor of working full time for Remnant Fellowship and Weigh Down Ministries.By following the teaching of full obedience to God's word we have seen a beautiful and amazing transformation in our lives.
Sara and I have been married since August 1988 and have been blessed with six children and now grandchildren! They have now been hearing and putting into practice the same teachings and are learning to have this love relationship with God. Nothing could bring more joy to Sara and myself than to see our children growing up to be Godly young men and women ready to be light in the world pointing people to the one true God and to pass this down to the next generation.
We invite you to come and join with us, locally here in beautiful Brentwood, TN or with hundreds of others via webcast as we gather as one body across the world.
- Eldon & Sara Gormsen