My name is Elizabeth Kaufmann, and I have the incredible honor of getting to help with the leading of this amazing Remnant Fellowship Church. I would not be where I am today without the strong faith that I have in a God that allows everything for a reason, along with close and dear friends, family, and a Church that have filled my life with numerous amounts of joy. I also have to stop and give credit to my mother, Gwen Lara, for laying her entire life down to start this ministry and teach all of us about a true relationship with God.

My precious family consists of my incredible husband, Ryan Kaufmann, and my children Grace (married now), Gweneth, Gloria, and Charles Grantham. We have an extremely joyful and peaceful home that is always full of music, laughter, and fun! I hold immense respect and love for my husband, Ryan, for his unwavering selfless service and support to our family and this church every single day. Along with this, I have taught my children to always give back generously, strive to get better daily, and never give up when you fall down. They are full of love, and we do our best to encourage the community around us daily—for that’s what it’s all about—giving back when we have all been given much.

With all of the hardships that I have been through, I pray that my joyful life used to inspire thousands of others around the globe to never give up or lose the faith, and I pray that I am used to show the world how to trust in God’s decisions for our lives—even when they are tough.

Along with this, I find myself with the wonderful opportunity to carry on a message of mere Christianity, and I am honored to do so. I wish the whole world knew that God is good—He is fun—and He takes care and blesses those who strive to do what is right.

Our church is an amazing example of this. It and its people have been highly blessed for putting God first above ourselves. The families are strong, and the children could not be happier and more joy-filled. People in our church have laid down anger, drugs, anxiety, cigarettes, antidepressants, gossip, pride, over-shopping, over-drinking, over-eating, over-gaming, and sexual lusts—any addictions in the heart that separate us from putting God first in our lives. Marriages have been healed from respectful men and women, families brought back together, finances restored, and hearts and minds strengthened by turning to God instead of the things of this world.

I thank God daily that I am surrounded by a church, a family, and a community that have all been so extremely supportive… And to the thousands who have supported me around the globe—I just cannot thank you enough! I pray you know that my life will be spent on giving back to all of you.

Much respect and love to all those seeking peace around the globe… Come join us for a good time—anytime.

Elizabeth Kaufmann