Members of Remnant Fellowship since 2000, Kent and Regina have been married since 1984 and currently live in Brentwood, TN. They have four children with the three eldest married and living near them. They are also currently blessed with three grandchildren.
It is our humble honor to serve with the Godly leadership that God has established at Remnant Fellowship Church.
We have been a members of Remnant Fellowship Church since September of 2000, and Leaders since 2004. Part of Kent's Leadership responsibilities include organizing and overseeing the ushers and greeters for weekly assemblies, Festivals and other church-related events held at our facility in Brentwood.Through the teaching and ministry that Gwen Shamblin faithfully established through obedience to God, we have given our lives completely over to living for God. This teaching has led to a true change and increased love and purity that has impacted us, our marriage and our children.
It is our humble honor to serve with the Godly leadership that God has established at Remnant Fellowship Church.

The Smith-Henry extended family. Levi Smith, Philip Smith, Josh and Ellenor (Hord) Smith, Kent and Regina Smith, Rusty and Lisa, Rusty and Lisa Henry, Wes and Jaclyn (Smith) Henry and daughters, Connor and Jennifer Henry and daughter.