Members of Remnant Fellowship since 2000, Mark and Therese Marie currently live in Brentwood, TN. They have four boys, all of whom are married and living near them and and two grandsons.
We love God with all of our heart and are honored and humbled that He has allowed us to repent of our selfish ways and grateful that we get to do His will here on earth as it is being done in heaven.
A good tree cannot bear bad fruit and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. It is exciting to be part of God's church and His called out. We left a system that allowed confusion according to God's word. We did not know how to lay down sin and defended doctrines that appeared righteous; yet these doctrines did not help us get out of sin. We are so sorry for people we have hurt in the past by claiming to love God yet not bearing the fruits of the spirit.
We no longer live for selfish human desires nor have a love for the world
Today we are bearing the fruit of the Spirit of God and we are following Jesus' path of "Not my will, but your will be done". We no longer live for selfish human desires nor have a love for the world. We live in God's boundaries which fall in pleasant places and we live and have faith to pass down a Holy seed to the next generation and generations to follow. We love God with all of our heart and are honored and humbled that he has allowed us to repent of our selfish ways and grateful that we get to do His will here on earth as it is being done in heaven.
- Mark & Therese Marie Jost