The Super Community of Love
February 20, 2021
Health and Wellness
February 22, 2021Remnant Fellowship presents:
“Experiential Faith – The Power of God”
The Remnant is a group of people who show the power of God by our changed lives. We are witnessing something so powerful that we cannot deny the hand of God, the existence of the God of the universe. In this sermon, Gwen Shamblin explains that this movement that was founded at the turn of the century, is not a new religion, but it is a continuation of the directives that were written down by all the true prophets of God. While the world is becoming more obese, divorce is on the rise, and children are more and more out of control…at the Remnant, thousands upon thousands of pounds of weight has been lost in this congregation, marriages that were on the brink of divorce are now restored, people who were in bad health are completely healed, and children who were out of control are now back under the authority of their loving parents. Your choice of religion is the most important decision you will make and should be based on your experience — watch this sermon to witness a place, a leadership, and body of people who prove God’s existence by the power of their changed lives…and please come visit to see firsthand!
Copyright 2013 Remnant Fellowship and Gwen Shamblin