God First
February 11, 2021
How to be Transformed
February 17, 2021Remnant Fellowship presents: “Listen To What Christ Says”
Did you know that your relationship with God and your ability to lay down sin is directly connected to your doctrinal view? Most of us were given our religious doctrine by our family, and we accepted it because it was how we grew up. We embraced the religion that was taught to us and oftentimes we were left unfulfilled and longing for more! Hypocrisy left many of us questioning, bitter, and stuck in sin. Then when we came to Weigh Down and listened to different teaching, we realized that our definition of who God the Father and Jesus Christ was had a direct parallel to whether not we could effectively lay down our strongholds. In this sermon, Gwen Lara sheds light on how Jesus Christ lived out His Father’s will and how you can too. Discover discrepancies in the widely taught and accepted trinitarian doctrine which deserves a long, hard, second look. Challenge yourself to open your heart and listen with non-biased ears to a teaching that has set thousands free from the burden of hypocrisy, sin and confusion. May God bless you as your journey down the road to Truth and freedom and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call our office.
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Copyright 2019 Remnant Fellowship and Gwen Shamblin Lara. All Rights Reserved.