Welcome to Remnant Fellowship Churches, located in home settings and churches around the world. The Remnant is a group of believers who all have in common the experience of being born again. As a result of learning to truly put the words from the Bible into practice, people have laid down idols of food, drugs, depression and self-focus, money, anger, selfishness, envy and jealousy. Marriages have been healed, and children are being raised with kindness, love and respect. New Creations are seen here…ordinary people who have been transformed; they are laying down destructive and painful behaviors such as overeating, over-drinking, anger, rage, depression, lust, overspending, drugs and all types of bad habits and attitudes. We have witnessed massive weight loss, recovered alcoholics, drug-free addicts, cured chronic fear-bound and anxiety-ridden worriers…all reformed from every stronghold or idol known to mankind! These transformations are permanent and profound because they have been approached correctly, in a humble and prideless way before the throne of the Almighty God.

At first it was noticeable, and then it became remarkable, and finally, over time it became increasingly amazing—defying statistics in every category. While the global economics and prospects for the future generations were diminishing, we were seeing the reverse. Our children are staying close to home, graduating earlier, excelling in the workplace, becoming happily married, buying homes earlier…They have less debt, more income, superior health, and a higher standard of living. This next generation’s days are full of hope, as they are making more friends at an early age and are keeping them for life—God-fearing friends around the globe. Many of our youth are featured in concerts, plays and other community performances; they are employed quickly and promoted rapidly. They choose to stay close to family with a huge community-like support network. Rather than getting smaller, the families are becoming larger as they unite with others. The unity, joy, peace, hope and love are priceless! These statistics are real, and it can happen to your family.
This is not a man-made doctrine or dogma about sacraments or rituals. It is not a mystery. This is an obtainable religion of putting the words of Christ into practice and experiencing a transformed life. Real religion, true religion, is a genuine love for God that will bring out a totally sacrificial, loving life all the way from the youngest to the oldest in the family.
It is all about who and what you love, and you fall in love with what you focus on. In a world of uncertainty, there is a message of certainty…there is nothing to lose and everything to gain. Beyond a doubt, this is an absolute possibility for your life and for the lives of those in your family—a deep healing is available for each and every person, as is liberation from unwanted habits, dependencies, lifestyle choices and behaviors that have been destroying our lives and relationships. You can experience the dependable power of the True Church, a Church built on the Rock of Jesus Christ who said, But the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me. (John 14:31a) It is an abundant life of hope, of beautiful relationships, of financial freedom, of health, and most important of all, of a relationship with God that is beyond anything we have ever experienced before. We invite you to visit on a webcast or in person and see the joy and love that comes from this relationship with God.
This is not a man-made doctrine or dogma about sacraments or rituals. It is not a mystery. This is an obtainable religion of putting the words of Christ into practice and experiencing a transformed life. Real religion, true religion, is a genuine love for God that will bring out a totally sacrificial, loving life all the way from the youngest to the oldest in the family.
It is all about who and what you love, and you fall in love with what you focus on. In a world of uncertainty, there is a message of certainty…there is nothing to lose and everything to gain. Beyond a doubt, this is an absolute possibility for your life and for the lives of those in your family—a deep healing is available for each and every person, as is liberation from unwanted habits, dependencies, lifestyle choices and behaviors that have been destroying our lives and relationships. You can experience the dependable power of the True Church, a Church built on the Rock of Jesus Christ who said, But the world must learn that I love the Father and that I do exactly what my Father has commanded me. (John 14:31a) It is an abundant life of hope, of beautiful relationships, of financial freedom, of health, and most important of all, of a relationship with God that is beyond anything we have ever experienced before. We invite you to visit on a webcast or in person and see the joy and love that comes from this relationship with God.