Remnant Fellowship Church - Meet the Youth Encouragers
The Remnant Fellowship Church "Youth Encouragers" is a group of young people ranging from late teens to early twenties who devote themselves to helping other youth find a genuine connection with God. This is an inspiring crowd who are boldly advancing the Kingdom of God because they have put the Biblically-based teachings of Remnant Fellowship Church into practice for themselves—and every area of their lives has been impacted for the better!These young adults are truly devoted to maintaining purity in heart and action. Their conversations are full of encouragement for one another, sharing prayers and blessings! Each of these young members has personally discovered the JOY and PEACE that come from a relationship with God, including healed family relationships, freedom from drugs and alcohol, improved academics, and freedom from depression and anxiety. We are so proud of this powerful generation as they run with this message of purity and God first!